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Academic Teaching Excellence Course

A one-week course on enhancing teacher competencies entitled Academic Teaching Excellence ended on Friday, February 14, 2020. The course was held at the UNIRI Faculty of Teacher Education, from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, February 10-14. The course was held by Mr. Rob Lewis and it was attended by ten University of Rijeka professors. The course was organized by the University of Rijeka in cooperation with the British Council Croatia. The full cost of the program was 3,400 HRK per student, but the University co-financed the program.

On the occasion of handing out the Certificates of Attendance, the lecturer said: “Although I was skeptical due to the unusual week-long course, I am extremely satisfied with the outcome and the atmosphere at the University of Rijeka Campus”.

“This was one of the best and most useful courses I have ever attended”, one participant said.